Thursday, 13 November 2014

geography of perfume

hey guys, so this is a carry on from the last post. today Im just going to talk about the geography of perfume. so the first thing that im going to tell you about is the making of perfume. so once they get the ingredients for the perfume, usually hand picked and brought from all over the world, the extractuion begins. there are many ways to get the oils from plants -
steam distillation: steam is passed through the object, making the oils turn to gas. the oils are then distilled (basically means that tits passed in a tube and cooled, meaning that it returns back into a liquid.)
boiled: such things as flower petals can be boiled and the oils are released into the water. this is a better way then steaming.
solvent extraction: flower petals are placed in a rotating tank, petroleum is added which basically takes out the essential oils by making the flower petals melt/dissolve and due to this, a waxy substance which contains the oils, is left. to get the oils out, they are placed in alcohol. the oil dissolves and rises. then the alcohol is evaporated and this leaves the oils.
enfleurage: a glass sheet that has odourless grease spread across it is placed out and the flowers are put on top. the glass sheets are placed in between wooden frames in tiers. the flowers are then removed and new flowers come in their place. this keeps going on until the grease has soaked up enough oils and fragrance.
expression: this is basically pressing out fruit or plants, wither by hand or by machine to get the oils out. this is the oldest method.

the next step is blending. so once all the oils have been collected, they follow a certain recipe, which may include many different ingredients and could take up to several years until ready.
fun fact  #1- a master in the perfume world is known as a "nose"
once the fragrance is created, alcohol is added, and the amount added changes with each perfume. most perfumes have around 10%-20% of oils, which are dissloved in alcohol.

next step is aging, but what does this mean? aging basically refers to the fact that some perfumes need to be developed or "aged" for a few years.

fun fact #2- out of the 250,000 flower plants in this world, only 2,000 contain the oils needed for perfume to be created.

so to conclude, we have found out what exactly perfume is made out of, different types and how it is made. thanks for reading!

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